The St. Michael’s School team is committed to helping all children discover who God is calling them to be. We combine academics with faith, provide individualized instruction, and foster an environment where everyone feels welcome and safe.
St. Michael’s School Staff
Pastor: Fr. Matt Gutowski (mjgutowski@archomaha.org)
Principal: Tina Thiele-Blecher (tblecher@stmichael.esu7.org)
School Office Mgr.: Roberta Marisch (rmarisch@stmichael.esu7.org)
Preschool: Sheryl Rosno (gsrosno@outlook.com) /Preschool: Karen Benes
Kindergarten: Jennifer Korus (jkorus@stmichael.esu7.org)
Grade 1: Kay Flanagan (kflanagan@stmichael.esu7.org)
Grade 2: Lynzee Nelson (lnelson@stmichael.esu7.org)
Grade 3: Paula Beierman (pbeierm@stmichael.esu7.org)
Grade 4: Laurie Waterbury (waterbury@stmichael.esu7.org)
Grade 5: Karissa Christo (kchristo@stmichael.esu7.org)
Grades 6, 7, 8: Jean Reicks (jreicks@stmichael.esu7.org) / Grades 6, 7, 8: Jessica Boyd (jboyd@stmichael.esu7.org)
Physical Education: Susan Roberts (sroberts@stmichael.esu7.org)
Vocal Music/Band: Brandon Dozler (bdozler@stmichael.esu7.org)
Technology/Library: Cherie Reinhart (creinhar@stmichael.esu7.org)
Hot Lunch Manager: Jeni Litz (jlitz@stmichael.esu7.org)
Custodian: Patrick Kratochvil